Zhejiang Agriculture And Forestry University Trinity Admission Score Line And Admission Results Anno

分数选大学2022-01-13 21:33:04佚名

Note: The three original comprehensive evaluation scores of Zhejiang Zhongyuan are actually the original

In fact, the original = "the academic level is actually the original (the original 100 points) x 15% + the comprehensive test original (the original 100 points) x 25% + the total score of the college entrance examination (the original 100 points) x 60%" to calculate the truth. If the candidates who originally volunteered did not reach 110% of the original enrollment plan, the 2021 Zhejiang college entrance examination score line , then the original candidate in the major was actually within 85% of the original. In fact, the original full score of academic level is 100 points, with 10 points for A grades, 7 points for B grades, 4 points for C grades, and no points for D grades, a total of 10 subjects.

Originally, the original admission result after the original official account of the Admissions Office, please refer to "2021 Originally updated in 2021" for the query method. In the end, the original version of the original hospital before the original province shall prevail. For relevant admissions, please pay attention to the "admission progress" of the original students of our school. The original situation of the candidates who were not admitted by the "three originals" of our school.



