black hole指什么

高考志愿2023-01-31 12:29:19admin2

blackhole简意就是黑洞的意思,在专业术语中,有后门程序的意思。 扩展资料 后门程序一般是指那些绕过安全性控制而获取对程序或系统访问的程序方法。在软件的开发阶段,程序员常常会在软件内创建后门程序以便可以修改程序设计中的缺陷。但是,如果这些后门被其他人知道,或是在发布软件之前没有删除后门程序,那么它就成了安全风险,容易被黑客当成漏洞进行攻击。


General relativity predicts a particularly dense dark objects. Evolution of massive stars in their late collapse occurs, the dense material in particular, it has one called event horizon of the closed border, a black hole hidden in a huge gravitational field, due to the gravitational field so strong, including in particular photon (ie the composition of light particles, the speed c = 3.0 × 10 ^ 8m / s), including any material can only be entered could not escape. The formation of a black hole minimum mass star's core is about three times the solar mass, of course, this is the last star of nuclear quality, rather than main sequence stars in the period of quality. In addition to this stellar-class black hole, there are other sources of black holes - the so-called micro-black holes may be formed in the early universe, the so-called supermassive black holes may exist in the central galaxy. A black hole can be found through the concept of electronic equipment.
The black hole within its borders to prevent any outsiders to see anything, which is the object known as the black hole of the reason. We were unable to observe the reflection of light it can only be affected indirectly understand the objects around the black hole. Having said that, but the black hole still has its borders, namely event horizon (horizon). It is assumed that the evolution of stellar black hole of death matter, is in a special super-massive stars collapse generated. In addition, the quality of a black hole must be larger than the Chandrasekhar limit of stellar evolution to the end of the form, quality, smaller than the Chandrasekhar limit of the star is unable to form a black hole.



