Respected one: Very happily sends one along with the letter about our suitcase table of contents. It is well known,Our product quality is very highconfident,Will supply the expensive way order by us the cargo to prove it will resources are well used. In order to promote these productsIn this month. All table of contents price has 30% discount. We will provide the high quality commodity by the unusual favorable condition to the expensive sideThe hope will soon receive the expensive side the order form. sincerely yours
A. 我方有两种本地不同制造商生产的皮靴,品质价格均比日产皮靴有竞争力。请写一封推销信,盼对方早日订货。
A:We have two kind of this locality different manufacturer production leather boots,The quality price has the competitive power compared to the daily production leather boots. Please write a sales promotion letter,Hoped opposite party will soon order.
B:We produce one kind of electric typewriter 6 minutes then complete account orally, the typing, load the envelope and so on a series of work. Its typing speed may reach each minute 80~140 words. Please write a letter to the customer sells this product,And inquired whether has the opportunity belt sample to demonstrate.
回顾去年贵我双方业务往来的记录,我们发现已很久未获贵公司的订单了。想来贵公司仍在经营我公司的商品,请告知最近贵方推销打算和意图为感。如果你们对我公司在订货方面有什么意见或建议,请予提出,以便我们慎重研究。你们必定乐于得悉我们的产品在工艺和包装方面都已做出了一系列的改进,现特邮寄若干贵公司过去订货的新型式样品。当你们收到后,将会发现这些新型式很符合贵方要求,并将导致贵我之间友好业务联系的恢复和发展。 希望得到你们积极的响应。
Review was expensive last year my both sides service intercourse the record,We discovered already has not had for a long time very much attains your firm the order form. Wanted to come your firm still to manage our company the commodityPlease inform recently the expensive side sales promotion plan and the intention was the feeling. If you have any opinion or the suggestion to our company in the ordering aspect,Please give proposedIn order to we study prudently. You are glad surely learned about our product all has made a series of improvements in the craft and the packing aspect,Presently especially mails the new pattern sample which certain your firm ordered in the past. After you receive,Will be able to discover these new patterns conform to the expensive side requirement very much,And will cause to be expensive between me the friendly service relation restoration and the development. The hope obtains your positive response.
晕 翻译你这些东西可累死我了,我的休息一下了!~~