“OTT TV”是个英语词汇,是“Over The Top TV”的缩写。“Over The Top”中“TOP”的本意是在“在……之上”,并非“在……顶层”。 “Over The Top”指的是在为用户提供互联网的业务成为运营商的一种业务之后,运营在互联网“之上”的业务。这种业务最典型的特征是,其提供者勿需拥有自己的物理网络,直接在运营商的互联网物理网络上运营。最早最典型的业务就是Skype、QQ的祖先ICQ,这种业务完全独立于电信运营商或者有线运营商的互联网业务,直接和运营商的电信业务竞争。笔者找到一段英语定义:Over-the-top is a general term for service that you utilize over a network that is not offered by that network operator. It's often referred to as over-the-top because these services ride on top of the service you already get and don't require any business or technology affiliations with your network operator。另外一个表述是这样的:The classic definition of OTT is the distribution of voice, video and data services without going through the MSOs or telcos。