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执业药师2022-11-24 19:43:11admin2

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Catch My Breath的创作背景

To celebrate the strength and longevity that my fans, friends, and family have supported me with I wrote this song Catch my Breath with one of my best friends that has seen me through everything. This song represents who I've been, what I've felt, and where I'm headed as not only an artist but as a 30 year old that is now smart enough to know that it's time to stop, catch my breath, and be proud of not only what has been accomplished but of all the people that have helped me become the woman I am today.
— Clarkson on releasing the song
“为了庆祝我的粉丝、朋友与家人长久以来强有力地支持我,我和一个与我经历许多风雨的最好的朋友合作创作了这首'Catch My Breath'。这首歌代表了我是一个什么样的人,我所感受到的以及我要前行的方向,而不是一个已经三十岁的艺人仍然没有意识到要停下来,喘口气,然后不仅仅为所成就的事业也为所有曾经帮助过我成为现在的我的人感到骄傲。”
这首歌由Kelly Clarkson和曾合作My December的老搭档Jason Halbert以及创作了You Love Me(Stronger中歌曲)制作人Eric Olson创作。Kelly这样评价这首歌的创作过程:“我们就是专门为了‘10年了,哇哦’这样的事而创作了这么一首歌;我觉得我终于开始活得开心与平和,终于看起了我的事业。”



