字面意思是 然后 他回到了中国,他坐飞机飞回到北京 可直接翻译为 他坐飞机回到了北京。
1. 飞, 飞行,飞翔2. 过得快, 飞逝, (动作)疾驰3. (旗)飘荡, 飘扬4. 碎成片5. 飞行,航行;空运;乘飞行器飞越;疾驰,疾行,快速移动;猛然移动自由移动;(从…)逃走,逃跑; 击(球)腾空 vt. & vi.
1. 乘(…的)飞机2. 驾驶(飞机等)vt.
1. 使飞, 放飞2. 逃离; 逃出3. 驾驶,操纵4. (旗)飘扬,升,悬挂(旗)5. 流传,四处传播 n.
1. 苍蝇2. (作钓饵的)苍蝇,假蝇;(裤子的)前裆开口;门帘
Now then是什么意思
Now then:喂喂(留心,那么) 例句与用法: 1. I'm going now, then. 那么,现在我走了。 2. Rose knew she'd deliberately raised her voice when she told Elsie off and said,She's the best friend I've ever had and just you remember that with your outsider talk. Now then. 罗斯意识到她斥责埃尔西的时候故意拉开了噪门说道:“她是我最好的朋友,你可要把这一点和你的外行话一起记在心里。就是这样。” 3. Now then, Henry, don't come it. 得了,亨利,别吹牛了啦! 4. Now then, none of your sauce, my boy; move on or I'll take you to the police station. 喂,不要放肆,小家伙!走开,要不,我就把你送到警察局去。 We flew all the way dircet from Seattle to London. 我们从Seattle直航到London. all the way: 一路上,自始至终,远道而... 例句与用法: 1. He has come all the way from Leeds to look for a job. 他从利兹远道而来寻找工作. 2. Now, said the compere, this little girl has traveled all the way from Liverpool to sing to us tonight. So let's all give her a big hand. 节目主持人说:今天晚上,这个从利物浦远道而来的小姑娘将为我们演唱,让我们热烈鼓掌欢迎她。 3. I had to cycle all the way to work against the wind. 我不得不一路顶着风去上班。 4. He rushed all the way to the station only to miss the train. 他一路冲往车站,结果还是错过了火车。 5. A merry heart goes all the way. 【谚】心情愉快,万事顺利。 6. I'll back you up all the way. 我完全支持你 7. Don't tell me how it ends I haven't read all the way through yet. 先别告诉我书的结尾--我还没看完呢。 8. The two runners contested the race closely it was nip and tuck all the way. 那两个赛跑选手竞争激烈--在赛程中一直不相上下。 英英解释: 副词all the way: 1. to the goal 同义词:the whole way 2. completely 同义词:clear 3. not stopping short of sexual intercourse